Manual of Policies and Procedures on the Treatment of Personal Data
As of the month of July when Decree 1377 of June 2013 came into effect, Correcol adopted a series of practices in accordance with what is defined in said regulation. Knowing the importance of protecting customers' data and in accordance with what is defined in our information security management system, we have the following scheme for the authorization by the client for the use of their data.
Without prejudice to the other provisions of the law and the decree, Correcol has, among others, the following duties:
- Make timely update, rectification or deletion of data.
- Register the legend "claim in process" in the database.
- Insert in the database the legend "information in judicial discussion".
- Refrain from circulating information that is being contested by the Holder.
- Information must be allowed only to people who may have access to it, under the terms set forth in the law
- The holders should guarantee their right of habeas data, process the consultations and claims presented in the terms indicated in the law
See here the Manual of Policies and Procedures on the Treatment of Personal Data.