Defensor Consumidor Financiero       Síguenos en:

  • +571 530 0053
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Risk Engineering Service

Risk Engineering Service

This service is an alternative available to our clients that allows them to improve their knowledge of the risks present in their economic activity, as well as to intervene in order to modify their potential impact.

The Risk Management and Engineering Service (SGIR) seeks to empower our clients in the management of their risks through the development of risk identification methodologies, evaluation and analysis, formulation of recommendations and

support in the implementation of the proposed recommendations.

The philosophy of this service is to contribute to an improvement of the risks, which can be translated into beneficial conditions of insurance. Nevertheless, the information collected and the recommendations issued by us are not binding for the insured and will not form part of the guarantees established by the insurers as part of their insurance program.


Sede Principal

+571 530 0053 

+571 742 5353

Calle 93A N. 11-36 Pisos 4 y 5
Bogotá DC, Colombia

Lun - Vie 8:00 am - 6:00 pm


Regional Costa

+575 309 1730

Calle 77 N. 59-35, oficina 1107
Centro Empresarial Américas 3
Barranquilla, Atlántico

Regional Antioquia

+574 609 0052

Cra. 42 N. 5 Sur - 145, oficina 15 - 119
Edificio We-Work
Medellín, Antioquia 


Regional Eje Cafetero

+576 893 2535

Carrera 23 N. 62-39, oficina 304B
Edificio Capitalia
Manizales, Caldas

Regional Valle

+572  347 2448

Cl. 36 Norte N. 6A-65, oficina 1504
Edificio World Trade Center 
Cali, Valle


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