Defensor Consumidor Financiero       Síguenos en:

  • +571 530 0053
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Innovaciones Correcol


We are a strategic partner of Correcol that projects security and stability through the quality of our services.


Premium Financing: We finance compliance policies for those clients that require efficiency in their payment processes.

If the client has an alliance with the CORRECOL broker, the interest is charged to the broker and not to the final customer

General Financing: We finance all revocable branches.

Libranzas: We offer the service of free investment loans to the employees of Correcol and Innocorr.

¿Por qué Finocorr?

We differentiate ourselves in the market because of our efficiency and agility.
We have the strength and support of a recognized business group in the market.
We have a high quality service that is characterized by our flexibility and commitment to understanding and adapting to the needs of our customers.

Angela Alvarado

Administrative and Financial Coordinator
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Phones: (57 1): 530 00 53/742 53 53 Ext 4101
Address: Calle 93 A N. 11 - 36 Piso 5
Bogota Colombia

Sede Principal

+571 530 0053 

+571 742 5353

Calle 93A N. 11-36 Pisos 4 y 5
Bogotá DC, Colombia

Lun - Vie 8:00 am - 6:00 pm


Regional Costa

+575 309 1730

Calle 77 N. 59-35, oficina 1107
Centro Empresarial Américas 3
Barranquilla, Atlántico

Regional Antioquia

+574 609 0052

Cra. 42 N. 5 Sur - 145, oficina 15 - 119
Edificio We-Work
Medellín, Antioquia 


Regional Eje Cafetero

+576 893 2535

Carrera 23 N. 62-39, oficina 304B
Edificio Capitalia
Manizales, Caldas

Regional Valle

+572  347 2448

Cl. 36 Norte N. 6A-65, oficina 1504
Edificio World Trade Center 
Cali, Valle


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